Altar Servers
Coordinator: Ms. Julie Olsen, jolsen@holycrossweb.com
Boys and girls from 5th to 8th grade who serve at the altar in their parishes are invited to do so at school Masses. Students will receive additional training for serving Holy Cross Masses. It is an honor and a great privilege to serve at the altar and we encourage all Catholic students to consider doing so. Students who may be interested but have not yet trained in their own parishes are encouraged to contact their parish offices for more information.

National Junior Honor Society
The National Junior Honor Society promotes academic excellence at Holy Cross Academy. By encouraging students to achieve and maintain a level of excellence which allows them to be nominated and accepted into NJHS in 7th and 8th grades, Holy Cross desires to inspire all its students to work toward fulfilling their highest potential. NJHS promotes character values as well as academic achievement and requires service to the school and larger community. Students are encouraged to strive for the goals set forth NJHS and their own personal goals for achievement and growth.

Student Council
Coordinator: Dr. Fry and Mr. Hartline
Our Holy Cross Academy Student Council Association promotes the values of service and leadership among our Middle School students. Each Fall and Spring students are elected to serve as officers and classroom representatives to our Student Council. The Student Council works to promote school spirit in our Middle School and beyond. Typical SCA events include an annual Talent Show, Spirit Week, 7th & 8th grade dances and candy grams. SCA members are always invited to propose new ideas for class and school-wide spirit events. We believe that our student-leaders are a great asset to our school, parish and civic community.