Holy Cross Academy Preschool at St. Mary
Tuition Rates for the 2024-2025 School Year

Current students, please use the re-enrollment link sent to your email address by our Constant Contact System. Re-enrollment and new sibling enrollment will commence on January 29, 2024. To ensure priority placement, please complete your re-enrollment information as soon as possible.
New students will need to go to the enrollment link on www.holycrossweb.com to complete the new student application. Please note there is a $50 application fee for new students and no application will be processed unless immunization records or a notarized immunization exemption form are submitted online.
Tuition does not include a non-refundable annual registration fee per child of $100 nor does it include the supply fee of $100. The supply fee will be collected before classes commence in August 2024. Tuition payments are 10 months (August – May). If you have children enrolled at HCA in grades K-8, then preschool tuition will be discounted 10%.
All families are expected to sign up for an account through our tuition management system, FACTS. The directions for signing up are attached and there is a $55 set up fee.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the preschool at 540-373-7553 or preschool@holycrossweb.com. We look forward to serving you and your family.